A new APP using the Shiny package in R for interactive data analytics and visualization. This App helps the insurance company to perform an analyse of his Health Portfolio and then helps to optimize his reinsurance structure and select the best options to transfer the risk. So, we can easily compare XL structures with Proportional ones…

As a R-Shiny developer (shiny) I’ve created several apps, some of them are a powerful interactive tool to optimize the Reinsurance of a Company.

I’ve been working with packages ggplot2 and plotly for an optimal data visualization.

This app wants to be an useful interactive tool for the Companies in order to optimize their Proportional structures. A solution to obtain a fully-comprehensive of your risks using different fitting techniques based on predictive models and MonteCarlo simulations.

HEALTH Reinsurance Optimization

Some images from this app:

First, working with the data…


Reinsurance Analytics…



VIDEO to see how it works…

Feel free to contact me if you need any help for your Company…