I build predictive models about policy renewal using Logistic Regression and Random Forest.
If a company interacts with every single customer, the cost would be too much. Focusing retention efforts on a small subset of high risk policies is a much more effective strategy.
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On my website you can find some examples of the projects that I develope in my Company. Have fun in browsing through the content and thank you for visiting!
Profit Commission in Proportional Treaties
An interactive App to calculate any Reinsurance Profit Commission...
On the face of it, a PC is quite simple; it rewards the Reinsured for successfully creating a profit for the reinsurers by rebating an agreed percentage of the profit the treaty has generated during the year.
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Combining Shiny & R Markdown
Generating a report from a Shiny App...
After interacting with a Shiny application and getting it certain state, your users may want to download a report in HTML or PDF format.
You can easily add the ability to generate a report with knitr and rmarkdown at the click of a button.
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R Markdown Document
Insurance Analitycs & Reinsurance Optimization
R Markdown provides an authoring framework for data science. You can use a single R Markdown file to save and execute code, and also to generate high quality reports that can be shared with an audience.
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Shiny App HEALTH Reinsurance Optimization
Reinsurance Interactive Tool
A new APP using the Shiny package in R for interactive data analytics and visualization. This App helps the insurance company to perform an analyse of his Health Portfolio and then helps to optimize his reinsurance structure and select the best options to transfer the risk. So, we can easily...
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